Monday, April 27, 2009

Working the asphalt

Although I haven’t posted in the last couple of weeks, that does not mean that I haven’t been working on my tapestry.  As you can see it is coming right along.  I was worried that the center dark shape was too dark but I decided that with the shading of the other shapes this


one is fine being dark. I am breaking it up with puddles so I think it will work when the piece is finished. 

I am just beginning to work on cars on both sides so it will be interesting to find out if I learned from the first one.  Hopefully it won’t be as frustrating this time.

What I am really pleased about is how my spacing is so much better since I put in a line of twining. It didn’t fix everything but it certainly did improve it.  This is the reason I like our study group so much.  I learn something from everyone in the group.  It is great to draw on the different experiences each group member has had and to examine their work.  How great it is to have that access. 

So school ends in the next couple of weeks and I will have more time to work on this.  How great it  is going to be to have all that time.  I am looking forward to it.   

Monday, April 13, 2009

Automotive progress

This week I wasn’t as motivated as I would have liked.  My weekend, the time I usually get the most stuff done, was full of activities.  I spent time with my Pitney Bowes friends and spent time at the Jenny Holzer show at the Whitney.   Both were well worth the time.

Philly cars 4-13-09

However, this doesn’t mean that I wasn’t able to get some things done.  I am progressing upward working on the asphalt and trying to work out how to blend the different shades of grays and blacks.  I am not sure that they are going in the right direction.  I think the difference between the various shades of asphalt might be too broad.  I think they are too clearly defined.  I wanted them to blend more than they are.  Perhaps as the cars break up the picture plane it will come into focus better.

I am almost up to the next two cars (one on each side this time) so I will get another chance to work out how to get the light right.  The left hand car will be easier since I’ve worked out how to do the light on that side, but the right hand car will be all new.

So Betsey, how is it going, do you think?